
如题,电脑是Vostro5590,十代i7,最新图形化的BIOS,因为工作上的一些原因需要使用Fydeos。第一次引导时,显示Testing正在测试U盘,引导未成功,显示什么USB Key,之后我又重新引导一次,先是有一个弹窗显示了一秒,消失之后就显示下面图上的信息。但后来我同事用我的U盘介质在九代i7的联想上却可以正常引导安装,求解!(


secure boot , 跟着这条线去找解决方案

去BIOS设置中,关闭”Secure Boot“

How can I disable Secure Boot on a Dell Computer?
To disable Secure Boot, you should follow the steps below:

Step 1: Tap F2 or F12 key on the Dell logo or hold down F2 or F12 after you start up your Dell laptop (At this point the screen is still black.) You will now see the BIOS screen.

Step 2: Highlight the Boot tab with arrow keys, change the Secure Boot item to “Disabled”.

Step 3: Afterwards, ensure that the Load Legacy Option Rom is “Enabled” and the Boot List Option is “Legacy

Step 4: Switch to Exit tab, highlight Exit Saving Changes, and highlight Yes to save the BIOS settings.

Note: You can also press F10, select Yes, press Enter to save the settings.

The system will restart. At this time, you have disabled the Secure Boot function on your system successfully and you will be able to boot your PC from CD-ROM, DVD-ROM, USB flash drive, etc.