Open gapps install error on Raspberry pi 400

Error log:

[Tue Aug 24 06:46:30 PDT 2021] args: OpenGApps test-network

[Tue Aug 24 06:46:31 PDT 2021] args: OpenGApps prepare
######################################################################## 100.0%

[Tue Aug 24 06:46:53 PDT 2021] args: OpenGApps download -
######################################################################## 100.0%
/home/chronos/fydeos-arc// line 175: zip: command not found
######################################################################## 100.0%
/home/chronos/fydeos-arc// line 175: zip: command not found
######################################################################## 100.0%
/home/chronos/fydeos-arc// line 175: zip: command not found
(exit 2) not a valied zip file, pleae try again.

[Tue Aug 24 06:53:50 PDT 2021] args: OpenGApps clear

The zip command doesn’t exist anymore, and most likely the stateful partition is corrupted.

If you are running FydeOS v12 for pi400, you can run the following command to recover the partition.

sudo -i
FYDEOS_STATEFUL_UPDATE_URL="" stateful_update_fydeos

Then reboot and try opengapps again.

I use this - FydeOS v12.2 (Raspberry Pi 400 release version) Platform 13729.22.12.13 (32-bit)

Run the command above, it will work.