FydeOS did powerwash/reset on itself [local FydeOS account]

After starting up my Fyde os laptop [7 year old?] [Intel hd4600], my accounts/files were gone. screen appeared to make a new account like it was a fresh install.

I did not gave instructions to reset it, things i can think of.

local FydeOS account is in beta
old laptop 7 year old~
a key is stuck on my laptop and it keeps typing * on itself.
I have another official Chromebook that did a power wash on itself.

it’s impossible to find out the root cause of critical errors like what you described, but for an educated guess it’s likely to be caused by harddrive i/o failures. Given your laptop is 7 years old, SSD is likely to be worn off, causing i/o failure. Your home directory was fully encrypted by default, i/o failure would cause cryptohome to be unable to access, hence the “fresh install”.

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