

我的fydeos为当天下载的全新镜像,并全新安装。 (版本号:FydeOS v9.1(FydeOS 非商业授权版)平台 12739.59.9.25(64 位))

1.在执行vmc start termina时,遇到了错误(如图),经过测试,执行任何vmc xxx 操作,都会出现此错误。(通过查阅资料,成功通过vsh termina进入vsh termina。)所以这是否是一个bug?

2.在我安装完毕并重启后,无法通过桌面的图标启动应用(会一直转圈),就在我以为失败了的时候,我成功在lxc console启动了archlinux的google chrome。(我记得在上个fydeos版本中,开启gpu加速就会出现这种情况,是否和gpu加速有关?稍后我会附上关闭gpu加速后的运行情况) Screenshot 2020-03-27 at 23.43.18.png

通过在 chrome://flags/#crostini-gpu-support 中禁用gpu加速,此问题依然存在,初步怀疑是vmc的错误导致?

Same problem, another thingthe process "flashrom" consumes 100% of CPU time (but can be killed).

新的问题,移除linux系统并重新创建,之后在桌面点击linux终端,每次都会弹出安装linux的的弹窗。 GkWODs.png

My first test, it fails to install. Please investigate the "flashrom" process, not Crostini but Crosh.

Linux can be restarted after powerwash -> Linux -> remove -> install ->check for update. It starts the new Debian Buster. On my PC (Sony Vaio Core i5) I need to kill the process flashrom. Big problems with Android. I think a version 9.2 is needed.

What is the problem about Android?

With Android I experiment alot of lag on menù selection and black window (for example using the Play Store and Whatsapp).

The version 8.21 was perfect on both my systems (Sony Vaio and Dell XPS 2720). Note: I tested only on the Sony because the Dell is a production machine.


Error: routine at frontends/vmc.rs:151 vm_start(vm_name,user_id_hash,features) failed: component updater could not load component cros-termina

我也是这样,大佬你是怎么解决的,还有用fydeos刻录U盘,只能从crosh输入shell进入chronos@localhost之后才能使用fdisk -l识别U盘路径,通过自带的终端无法识别,所以我就想着能不能通过切换到ArchLinux来刻录U盘启动盘,主要我没别的电脑,安装的时候是全盘安装的,通过在chronos@localhost里使用DD命令刻录是成功的,但是从U盘启动的的时候会进BIOS。从BIOS里启动U盘也是进BIOS,我这里有一篇我记录的博客关于我在fydeos遇到的那些坑




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