Linux子系统如何桥接网络 (将子系统与os设置在同网段)


我看你去國外找找chromeos 能不能 bridge network vm linux 就对了。

國外chromeos/os flex 人用的比較多。

fydeos base on chromeos/os flex, 可以借來一用。



·3 mo. ago

As another poster stated, the Crostini Linux VM gets a NAT IPv4 address to the real Chrome OS host. You cannot bridge, because the typical use case is Wi-Fi from a Chrome OS host, and the 802.11 standard does not allow more than one MAC on the station (Wi-Fi bridging is always a proprietary implementation; look up 3-MAC and 4-MAC frames to see why). Therefore, if you need bridged layer-2 on Crostini I’m sorry to report it will not work without creating your own tunnel over IP to a device that can unpack and bridge the tunneled traffic.

But regular IP access is still possible. By default it will work outbound from the VM without needing any configuration. Any outbound request from the VM will be connection tracked by the host so that replies will be automatically forwarded to the requesting port on the VM.

If you want to host something on the VM and reach it from outside the Chrome OS device itself, you will need to configure port forwarding in Chrome OS so that the host knows to forward unsolicited traffic on specific ports to the VM. You’ll still connect to the Chrome OS host’s IP address from other devices on your network, not the internal IP assigned to the VM. Otherwise the host receives unsolicited packets and doesn’t know they’re intended for the VM, so they’ll just be dropped, like the simplistic “firewalls” home routers include. If you want to reach the VM from the host directly, I think you’ll use the internal IP of the VM.

我也想vm linux/android 可以不經NAT


你 404 一下, 很多人會說 chromeos flex 十幾个partition, 不可能multiboot.

但multiboot chromeos flex 的大有人在。

我上個月也dual boot 了chromeos flex + fydeos.