A:我按照教程在linux环境下得到了sata版的镜像并烧录进了tf卡里,安装fydeos过程一切正常,装上后检查了一下wifi和浏览器功能正常后就去吃饭了,回来就黑屏了。几次尝试重启都没有反应后就把固态从香橙派上拔下来插到电脑上格式化,但是电脑一开机就显示“2101:detection error on ssd1 (m.2)”现在彻底没办法了,希望官方技术人员或大佬能看到这个帖子帮帮我。
Hello, this is Bing. I’m sorry to hear that you have a detection error on your SSD (M.2). This error can be caused by several factors, such as1:
Incorrectly configured system settings or irregular entries in the Windows registry
Physical damage to the SSD or the M.2 slot
Loose connection between the M.2 slot and the SSD
Outdated firmware or drivers for the SSD or the motherboard
To fix this error, you may need to try different solutions depending on the cause. Some possible solutions are1234:
Using a special software that repairs the registry and tunes up system settings
Reinstalling or updating the firmware or drivers for the SSD and the motherboard
Reseating or replacing the SSD in the M.2 slot
Checking for physical damage or dirt on the SSD and the M.2 slot