

Q:是否在社区搜索了相关问题 (使用 “x” 选择)

  • [ X] 没有类似的issue

2. 详细叙述

(1) 具体问题


(2) 电脑具体配置和固件版本
lenovo R60

  • 处理器:英特尔酷睿双核处理器Intel(R) Core™2 CPU T7200 @ 2.00GHz (2 threads, 2.00GHz)

  • 显卡(如有独立显卡请注明):A T I Radeon x1400

  • 运行内存与储存内存 :4096

  • FydeOS 版本:FydeOS v16.1 (FydeOS unlicensed version) Platform 15183.90.16.5 (64-bit)
    直接在16G U盘上运行,没装在硬盘

(3) 详细日志 (如果需要的话)

  • 获取日志请在 Chromium 浏览器中输入 /var/log/messages , 并定位相关日志片段展出。

A:2023-05-20T05:14:11.371739Z ERR secanomalyd[1976]: Error making D-Bus proxy call to interface ‘/org/chromium/SessionManager’: Error calling D-Bus method: org.chromium.SessionManagerInterface.RetrieveActiveSessions: Did not receive a reply. Possible causes include: the remote application did not send a reply, the message bus security policy blocked the reply, the reply timeout expired, or the network connection was broken.
2023-05-20T05:14:15.320090Z ERR session_manager[1220]: ERROR session_manager: [android_oci_wrapper.cc(133)] Timed out to wait on run_oci exit
2023-05-20T05:14:15.320182Z INFO session_manager[1220]: INFO session_manager: [system_utils_impl.cc(130)] Sending signal 9 to PID -5557 as UID 4294967295
2023-05-20T05:14:15.346883Z INFO session_manager[1220]: INFO session_manager: [upstart_signal_emitter.cc(50)] Emitting stop-arc-instance Upstart signal
2023-05-20T05:14:15.392797Z ERR patchpaneld[1979]: ERROR patchpaneld: [arc_service.cc(400)] ArcService was not running
2023-05-20T05:14:15.400547Z ERR session_manager[1220]: ERROR session_manager: [session_manager_impl.cc(2084)] Starting Android container failed.
2023-05-20T05:14:15.400581Z ERR session_manager[1220]: ERROR session_manager: [dbus_util.cc(13)] CreateError(…): Domain=dbus, Code=org.chromium.SessionManagerInterface.ContainerStartupFail, Message=Starting Android container failed.
2023-05-20T05:14:15.403453Z WARNING crash_reporter[5666]: Bus::SendWithReplyAndBlock took 13451ms to process message: type=method_call, path=/org/chromium/SessionManager, interface=org.chromium.SessionManagerInterface, member=RetrieveActiveSessions
2023-05-20T05:14:15.403664Z INFO crash_reporter[5666]: Accessing crash dir ‘/run/daemon-store/crash/b395e14be6e84f3c7f81a433c601b8095a1aef1c’ via symlinked handle ‘/proc/self/fd/10’
2023-05-20T05:14:15.404388Z WARNING crash_reporter[5666]: exec name ‘arc-setup’ not found in log file
2023-05-20T05:14:15.411437Z ERR crash_reporter[5666]: Path /proc/5574 does not exist
2023-05-20T05:14:15.412049Z INFO crash_reporter[5666]: Skipped converting core file to minidump due to unusable proc files
2023-05-20T05:14:15.412168Z INFO crash_reporter[5666]: Leaving core file at /proc/self/fd/10/arc_setup.20230520.051415.36554.5574.core due to conversion error




主要想装android应用 :smiley:
